The City That Never Sleeps
My name is Dana Lee. I'm just one of those average high-schoolers in the world :D

posted : Thursday, January 20, 2011
title : dana died.
ahhh, me die.
this holidays has been the gayest.
no, all my holidays has been gay.
once again, me go to the library today (me thinks)
and study, study, STUDY.
who friggin studies in the holidays? blahhhhhh.
ever since mum saw DaBin studying her ass off in the holidays,
she wanted us to study too.
there isn't much to study, anyway,
but mum wants us to do 3 friggin long hours.
Sheesh, Asian parents are the worst.

posted : Friday, December 17, 2010
title : Working on a picture :)
I'm currently working on a new picture. :)
It's not a good GOOD one, just an okay one, so I can try using
Once I have uploaded the picture, I have made it into lineart, then I am now colouring it in.
But there is a problem.., :( I don't know how to make the shine in the hair...
Oh well, the tutorials will help :)

Ivy is using the program too.
I like it.., it's easy to use, and fun to explore.
I might upload the picture once I'm done :))

posted : Friday, August 27, 2010
title : Umm--
Korean people are coming to MacGee.
There is one male person who is in year 8,
and he's one year younger than me.
There is one in year 10, I think...
And one in year 12, I think...
Okay, now I look like a total... -ehem- (use your imagination there),
because I'm only sure about the one who's in year 8.
the one in year 10 is male,
and the one in year 12 is female.
They are Jehovah Witnesses like me.

I'm sorta nervous,
because I might act differently to Jehovah Witnesses...
And they might tell their parents
which will be MAJOR trouble for me.

Of course I'll welcome them...
Do I have to take them around the school and all that?
Because I can't speak Korean well.
My pronounciation is English..
So uhh...
I get bored when people around me speak Korean..


Hopefully my sisters will do the job.
And hopefully he's not in business,
or art,
or maths,
or English,
or SOSE.
Because I might have to sit with him..
with will be a BOOBOO.

Who will he be with?
Maybe the other Korean dude inESL..
Jaehyun, or sth.


This is too much stress for me..
I feel sorry for him,
moving schools in the middle of the term,
not knowing any English..
I'm not sure if he can speak English well..


posted : Wednesday, August 11, 2010
title : GOSH
I'm bored.
That's why I'm blogging for the second time today;
like a retard..
Wait--Ivy blogs, like, 3 times a day.
Does that make her a retard?
I guess..
You should see how she plays by herself..
Sometimes she goes like,
talking to herself,
and like,
for example:
"Oh look! There's a kitty.
I wish I could be a kitty.
Oh wait--kitties don't fly.
Maybe I should be a bird.
But birds are stupid as.
But--I'm stupid so I guess it doesn't matter.
Oh nyoooooooooo
the kitty went away..
Oh! I know,, I can be a kitty with wings.
That's it! A flying kitty!
This is an example of how bored I am..
Someone SHAVE me..
(Not shave, Save, btw.)
But, seriously, I don't know why my friends think Ivy is cute.
She is soo annoying, like,
squeezing my cheeks everday,
tickling me everyday,
and shtuff.
But then again, she's nice.
Making me tea...
and that's all I can think of..
And she's also mean.
Making me wash the dishes when I don't want to
(and it was actually my turn most of the time)
and shtuff.
I can't think of anything else.

posted :
title : Still sick.
Just had tea and it made me REALLY warm.
I needed it,, really.
I'm soo sick..
After going to school on Monday,
I haven't been getting any better..

posted : Friday, August 6, 2010
title : Me no lyk you Ivy~
Cause of you I have one blocked nose and one runny nose;
bad headache;
a fever;
swollen and sore throat...
...I don't think I'll go to school...


And now because you play the guitar,
it's really hard to concentrate...

posted : Friday, July 30, 2010
title : hermmmmmmmm.
Howdy, people~
No time no blog... When was the last time I blogged?
nothing much happened...
same old, same old..

Everything is sooo boring these days.
Maybe I should be more optimistic??
I'm only saying this because no one reads my blogs,,
my friends are boring.

Well, maybe they are,
but it's that they talk about things that aren't interesting for me.
Oh well,
at times they are fun to hang out with...

Maybe it's because I've matured??
